So I bought a couple of these i2c port expanders from China – mainly because I wanted something simple to mess with i2c on the ESP8266.Wir als Seitenbetreiber haben es uns zum Ziel gemacht, Alternativen unterschiedlichster Variante ausführlichst zu vergleichen, dass Sie zuhause schnell und unkompliziert den I2c scanner esp8266 sich aneignen können, den Sie kaufen möchten. I2c scanner esp8266 - Der absolute Favorit unter allen Produkten.Finding I2C Address Open Serial monitor and Press reset button, Note down I2C address (0x3F is I2C address in example shown below), which will be used later.
Interrupts may be attached to any GPIO pin, except GPIO16. Pin interrupts are supported through attachInterrupt, functions.
The diagram above shows the pin mapping for the popular ESP8266 NodeMcu module. These functions are normally activated by the corresponding library. Pins may also serve other functions, like Serial, I2C, SPI.This program loads into your ESP8266-01 and goes through all 127 addresses and reports which address are active.
OK, I verified that my 'running' and 'upload' wiring both worked, I was ready to find out the address of the LCD Backpack board using an I2C scanner program.